Visiting address: Embassy of Indonesia, Kungsbroplan 1, 4 tr, 112 27 Stockholm Visiting hours: Monday to Thursday: 09.30-12.00 Friday: 10.00-11.00 Telephone hours: Monday to Friday: 09.30-12.00 Postal address: Embassy of Indonesia, Consular Affairs, Box13062, 10302 Stockholm E-mail: Telephone: +46-8-545 55 880 Fax: +46-8-650 87 50 Visa Fee: SEK 450 PAYMENT METHOD OF CONSULAR FEES Please be informed that the Embassy CAN NOT ACCEPT PAYMENT BY CASH. Stamped and addressed return envelope – preferably as registered letter (rekommenderat), considering that you are sending a passport (unless you visit the Embassy in person).Proof of paid visa fee (copy of receipt).Copy of airline ticket or itinerary (the itinerary should proof when you will leave Indonesia).One (1) recently taken photo, size 3x4.Filled-out application form (download PDF ) (download word document ).Passport valid at least six months after planned date of entry to Indonesia.

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